Ivy & Ink was up at the crack of dawn to help capture the perfect moment during the Million Maps Santa Monica cover shoot. Creating an image that embodies the Santa Monica spirit through an active lifestyle, sunny skies, and the iconic Santa Monica Pier was a welcome challenge.
Thanks to the brilliant vision of Million Maps publisher Matthew Gibbons of Gibbons Media, Inc., the good looks of surf instructor Kristin Casillas, the photography of Brandon Wise, and our studio’s art direction, there were tons of beautiful images to choose from.
The official cover is making its rounds in the community as we speak! We can’t wait to share this map with ONE MILLION visitors to Santa Monica (in 9 languages!) when we go to press in early 2014.
Be sure to look for it on the racks if you're on the West coast and let Ivy & Ink know what you think! You can tweet us at @IvyInkTweets or like it on Facebook.com/ivyandink!